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      The EU-funded Quad2BIM project helps smart heritage make efficient use of BIM technology and develops a novel methodology adjusted to a cooperative approach.


      Quad2BIM is applied on samples of baroque architecture in Portugal for validating the compatibility of its working protocol, which involves several integrated digital techniques.

# MSCActions, # H2020, # EUresearchImpact

BIM technology and methodology

for Smart Heritage 

#Future Heritage, #Smart Heritage, #Scan-to-BIM

#BIM standards, #H-BIM Level 3

#BaroqueArchitecture, #Illusionist ceiling paintings

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Goals and Strategy


Shared BIM models of heritage architecture


Parametric models of Portuguese baroque buildings are made available for HBIM technicians.




Applying BIM standards to HBIM.


State of art instruments and software


Latest technology are used in order to speed up communication, data sharing and the entire HBIM process.


Risk evaluation


Common risks for Scan-to-HBIM actions are highlighted and  the action for their mitigation are proposed in line with European regulation.


Guidelines for

Scan-to HBIM activities


Good method statements are issued in order to help the operators both for the site and the modelling phase.


Dissemination of knowledge


Transmission of the principles on the "quadratura" pictorial genre to the future generations.

QUAD2BIM aims to Promote Smart Heritage turning BIM into a functional instrument of knowledge, design and management for historical architecture.

Quad2BIM provides efficient working protocol for building surveyors and BIM technicians, or rather a collaborative approach that allows to issue accurate as-built parametric models integrated into the development design process of the built heritage.

Problem statement and state of art


As per developed and used so far, BIM is adapted for new constructions. Recent experience demonstrates its application onto existing buildings is not that fluent, easy and efficient and it needs a strong improvement.

It is customary  practice that the companies that use to carry out the 3D Measured Building Survey also extract the so-called H-BIM 3Ds as the process extremely needs a point cloud based approach and competences.

Unluckily, the results often do not give enough consideration to the subsequent steps of the building re-design or reconstruction cycle, which involves architects, engineers and contractors. This issue generates an inevitable re-work onto the models in order to fit them to the users’ needs. The "information sharing", which is the pillar of BIM technology for new construction, in this case is inadequate and must be improved in order to reduce inefficiency and save up to 15% of the project budget.

Case Studies

Case studies

The case of studies for the implementation of the research project are chosen between relevant examples of baroque architectural ensembles along Portuguese territory, islands included.


Specifically, the attention focused on those rare buildings that still preserve the illusionistic paintings defined by the Italian word “quadratura”.


With its peculiar representation of architectural settings, usually populated by figures of saints and allegories, it decorated churches and palaces from 16th to 18th cent., in Europe and its colonies.


The painted perspectives were conceived in an anamorphic form: it means it is necessary for the viewer to occupy a specific vantage point to see the whole apparatus in a perfectly realistic way, usually at the centre of the room.

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This project has received  funding from

the  European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme

under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie

grant agreement No 895320




Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa


R. Sá Nogueira, 1349-063 Lisboa, Portogallo 


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